The Three Sisters Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #10

Natasha: We should help out the poor anyway; that's one of your responsibilities if you're rich. (3.14)

Aha. So that's why Natasha married Andrey, even though she's still smitten with her former suitor Protopopov. Andrey raises her rank.

Quote #11

Olga: Dearest, let me talk to you, as your sister, as a friend. If you want my advice, marry the baron…People don't marry for love, they marry because they're supposed to. (3.102)

When it comes to marriage, the moral of the story in Three Sisters is clearly "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

Quote #12

Andrey: When I got married, I thought that we'd all live happily together…happily…But oh, my God… (Starts to cry). (3.123)

The crisis of the fire forces Andrey to finally be honest with his sisters. He sees the error of his misguided marriage to Natasha, and realizes it's driven him away from his own family, too.