Time Bandits Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Time Bandits.

Quote #4

KEVIN: I must wait. You see, I'm with friends. You see, if I lose them, I may never be able to get back.

AGAMEMNON: Get back? To where?

KEVIN: I'm not really sure.

This passage suggests that Kevin's old life may have been just as much of a different universe as the place he's occupying now. Reality is what you make of it, perhaps?

Quote #5

RANDALL: The Time of Legends.

KEVIN: The Time of Legends! There's no such thing.

RANDALL: But there is. You just got to believe in it. Otherwise, Horseflesh wouldn't have put it on the map.

Belief creating reality...now there's an interesting thought. Evil is planning to make it so, anyway, and so is God. God just wins out because he simply has more ammo in his corner, in terms of power.

Quote #6

WINSTON: Look at all this bloody fish! There used to be a time when you could be sure...of catchin' old boots, cans, hat racks, boxes. Now it's prawns all the bloody time!

Even though this happens in an entirely different version of reality, we love this line because the characters who live here still have day-to-day problems and complaints. Some things never change...