Timescape Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

When a loop was set up, the universe split into two new universes. If the loop was of the simple killing-your-grandfather type, then there would result one universe where the grandfather lived and the grandson disappeared. The grandson reappeared in a second universe, having traveled back in time, where he shot his grandfather and lived out his life, passing through the years where were forever altered by his act. No one in either universe thought the world was paradoxical. (46.51)

Gordon imagines this as a possible answer for why his timeline can no longer communicate with Renfrew's. It nicely explains how the change is possible and how the novel's plot avoids the paradox, but it leaves several questions, too. How does the universe split? How do these universes exist in relation to each other? As always with scientific discovery, there are more questions waiting.