A Story Told by Mr. Supple, the Curate. The Penetration of Squire Western. His Great Love For His Daughter, and the Return to It Made By Her
- The next day, Tom goes hunting with Squire Western and then joins him for dinner.
- Sophia and Mr. Supple the curate (BTW, a curate is like an assistant priest in the Anglican church hierarchy) also join the party.
- Mr. Supple has gossip about Molly: after her post-church battle, an injured traveling musician went to Squire Allworthy to accuse Molly of assault.
- Once Molly arrived in front of Squire Allworthy to answer the charges, the squire saw that she is very pregnant.
- Squire Allworthy demanded to know who the father of the baby is.
- Mr. Supple left just as it seemed like Squire Allworthy was going to send Molly to a house of correction.
- Tom suddenly leaves the table with the lame excuse that he has "particular business" (4.10.10).
- After Tom takes off, Squire Western guesses that Tom is the father of Molly's bastard.
- Mr. Supple worries that, if Tom is the father, it will really turn Squire Allworthy against him.
- Sophia, of course, is totally confused—this is the first she's heard of the fact that Tom is about to be a father.
- Sophia excuses herself from the room.
- The squire drinks himself into unconsciousness with Mr. Supple (four bottles of wine between the two of them? Whoa.).
- After his little nap, Squire Western asks his daughter to play the harpsichord for him.
- But, most unusually, Sophia says she can't.
- That's how we know how upset she is at this news of Tom.