Tom Jones Book 4, Chapter 13 Summary

A Dreadful Accident Which Befel Sophia. The Gallant Behaviour of Jones, and the More Dreadful Consequence of that Behaviour to the Young Lady; With a Short Digression in Favor of the Fairer Sex.

  • Squire Western likes to go out hunting with Sophia.
  • And Sophia likes to be on hand to monitor Squire Western and to make sure he's not taking too many risks riding around the countryside.
  • But she doesn't want to go hunting these days: she doesn't want to see Tom.
  • Still, the hunting season is almost over, and she's about to go visit her aunt.
  • So she goes out with the hunters one last time.
  • But then an accident happens: Sophia's horse starts bucking, and she can barely hold on.
  • Tom comes rushing up to save her.
  • He grabs the horse's reins and then catches Sophia when the horse rears up and throws her from the saddle.
  • In the commotion, Tom breaks his arm.
  • But he is still completely gallant to Sophia.
  • Sophia almost faints from (a) the sight of poor Tom's broken left arm, and (b) the sudden rush of gooey feelings she experiences for Tom.
  • The other horsemen come riding up, and Sophia quickly explains Tom's injury.
  • Squire Western is overjoyed that his daughter is alive and unharmed, and promises that they'll treat Tom's arm.
  • Tom's rescue of Sophia also seems to awaken new feelings in Tom's heart.
  • In fact, he has been noticing the "irresistible power" (4.13.14) of Sophia's charms for a while now. Daaaang.