Tom Jones Book 6, Chapter 4 Summary

Containing Sundry Curious Matters

  • Back home, Squire Allworthy tells Mr. Blifil about the marriage proposal.
  • Mr. Blifil is not in love with Sophia, but he does like the idea of her money (not that he mentions this to Squire Allworthy).
  • Mr. Blifil says only that he'll do whatever Squire Allworthy thinks is best.
  • Squire Allworthy is disappointed by Mr. Blifil's unromantic response.
  • How can he be so cold at the idea of marrying Sophia? She's so hot! (implies Squire Allworthy.)
  • Mr. Blifil launches into a long speech about religion, love, and marriage.
  • Squire Allworthy decides that his nephew is approaching this engagement soberly and wisely.
  • So he writes to Squire Western agreeing to the match.
  • Squire Western arranges a meeting between Mr. Blifil and Sophia for that afternoon.
  • Mrs. Western then goes off to inform her niece of her "happy" (so she thinks) news.