Touching Spirit Bear Edwin Quotes


Quote 4

"Patience, gentleness, strength, honesty," Edwin said. He looked up in to the trees. "Animals can teach us more about ourselves than any teacher." (2.22-23)

Cole doesn't believe in anyone or anything, but Edwin knows that spending some time on the island will change things for the boy. If Cole watches and observes the animals and plants around him, he'll learn some deep lessons.


Quote 5

Edwin looked out across the bay and drew in a deep breath. "Years ago, I was brought here myself when my spirit got lost. This is a good place to find yourself." (2.28)

Even though Cole feels like he can't identify with the adults in his life, they're more similar than he knows. After all, Edwin and Garvey were both delinquent youth, too, once—they just underwent transformations into responsible, caring adults.

Edwin > Cole Matthews

Quote 6

Edwin pulled out a key and turned Cole roughly around to remove his handcuffs. "Anger keeps you lost," he said, as he started back toward the shelter. "You can find yourself here, but only if you search." (2.30)

When Cole first reaches the island, Edwin and Garvey both tell him that this is the perfect place to find himself and become a better person. Too bad he doesn't take that advice to heart the first time around.