Touching Spirit Bear Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Touching Spirit Bear? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Edwin say Cole should do first thing every morning while he's on the island?

Soak in the cold pond
Carry the ancestor rock
Do a dance
Watch some TV
Q. What do Edwin and Garvey force Cole to do on his own when he returns to the island?

Bake them a three-tier chocolate cake
Host a birthday party
Build his own cabin from scratch
Apologize to Spirit Bear
Q. Which one of these is not something Cole eats to survive during his first stint on the island?

A live mouse
His own vomit
A baked potato
Q. Who teaches Cole how to carve better animals on his totem at the end of the book?

Cole's dad
Q. What does Cole use to try to kill Spirit Bear during his first time on the island?

A flamethrower
A firecracker
A big rock
A homemade spear