True West Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

Austin: Besides, I'm lookin' forward to the smell of the night. (2.7.124-125)

The outdoors are calling to Austin. He's lost his project and now he's ready to find freedom outside (or at least inside other homes when he's stealing their toasters).

Quote #8

Austin: Nobody can disappear. (2.7.184)

Austin taps into something that Lee might not be willing to accept. Even if they leave and head to the desert, they will never be fully free. Someone will always know where they are or will be able to find them. Not even their father could totally vanish.

Quote #9

Lee: I can't work under these conditions here. It's too hot. (2.9.201)

Sure, Lee, it's the heat of the 'burbs keeping you from writing your script, it's not that you're totally crazy.