True West Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

Austin: We're not insane. We're not driven to acts of violence like that. (1.4.157-158)

Turns out Austin is utterly wrong. They are kind of insane, and they are totally driven to acts of violence.

Quote #5

Lee: Lota' money in dog fightin'. (1.4.228)

Even Lee's monetary endeavors involve violence. He cashes in on dogs fighting each other. He has no moral qualms about it whatsoever.

Quote #6

(AUSTIN turns violently toward LEE, takes a swing at him) (2.7.135)

Unfortunately for Austin, he doesn't connect on this punch, but this is still a big step for him. He's started to act out in the same violent way as Lee. His journey to the Dark Side is almost complete.