The Truth About Forever Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For the first time, it seemed to me that she was actually enjoying herself. (21.5)

Poor Deborah. She's been going through just as much as Macy, if not more. So is it the day of total chaos that saves her? What is it about the event that allows her to enjoy herself?

Quote #8

The one that began in this moment, with Wes, in a kiss that took my breath away, then gave it back—leaving me astounded, amazed, and most of all, alive. (21.90)

Here Macy is, taking Kristy's advice to be alive. Let's be honest, though. This is a kiss with a guy she's totally crushing on. Is it real happiness or just the fulfillment of an infatuation? What do you think?

Quote #9

I just smiled, sliding the screen door open. "Sounds great," I said. "Just great." (22.9)

Great-just-great (said genuinely) is quite a difference from fine-just-fine. Finally, Macy is smiling for her family, instead of for the mirror. True happiness, indeed.