The Truth About Forever Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

With Delia, though, I wasn't that girl, the one whose dad had died. I wasn't anybody. And I liked that. (5.114)

Does Macy really want to be nobody? Wasn't she nobody with Jason? How is that different from her identity around Delia?

Quote #8

So while at home I was still fine-just-fine Macy, […] the nights when I arrived home from catering, I was someone else. (6.69)

What is it about the catering gig that makes Macy actually fine, instead of "fine-just-fine." Is it the job? The people? The chaos?

Quote #9

A]ll I could think was that these weren't my clothes, this wasn't who I was. (7.38)

Macy's makeover might just be a little sneaky symbolism for you. While she's definitely not the type of girl to put tons of stock in appearance, this makeover does change her a bit. Does she like it?