The Truth About Forever Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'd gotten so used to being known as the girl whose dad died, I sometimes forgot that I'd had a life before that. (2.197)

We don't really hear too much about Macy's life before her dad's death. All we really know is that she loved her dad and she loved to run. This passage helps us understand why Macy doesn't reveal more about her past; after all, she feels like a totally different person now.

Quote #5

It was like that part of my life, my running life, was just gone. (3.11)

Look what she says here: "was just gone." But wait a second. Wasn't she was the one who stopped, and packed it all away? Why does she feel like her loss of identity is something she can't control?

Quote #6

[T]he beach shack was my dad. (3.85)

Even the beach shack has an identity—and it's totally tied up with Macy's dad. If you think about it, all of her memories of her dad are of fun times: running, vacations, getting packages. What does that tell you about their relationship?