The Truth About Forever Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He was the one person I could count on, unequivocally, to say exactly what he meant, no hedging around. (12.60)

What about Kristy? And Caroline? Is this Macy's crush talking, or is Wes the only honest one in the whole book?

Quote #8

"There's so much I want to say to her, but I don't know how she'll react. So I just don't." (12.221)

Macy feels like, in order to stay in control, she has to know in advance what the outcome of any given situation will be. She's even applying it to her interactions with her mom in this case.

Quote #9

I don't talk to anybody about what's going on in my head, because I'm afraid they might not be able to take it. (12.237)

Macy's scared of driving people away by talking to them, so instead she drives them away so she won't have to talk to them? We're not sure about the logic here.