Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 2 Quotes
Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 2 Quotes
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Quote 1
For all that was happening to him, his voice was strong and inviting, and his mind was vibrating with a million thoughts. He was intent on proving that the word "dying" was not synonymous with "useless." (2.48)
From the beginning of Morrie's sickness, he makes a choice to live a certain way. Even though he doesn't have a say in what happens to his body, he is determined to invest his mind and heart toward good things and make use of his final time on earth. This probably takes a sizable amount of mind over matter.
Quote 2
No one there knew he was a prominent doctor of sociology, with years of experience as a college professor and several well-respected books. They just thought he was some old nut. (2.3)
Morrie is a professor by, well, profession, but he doesn't act like it. When he goes dancing at the local disco every week he proves that teachers don't have to be people that sit behind a desk grading papers their whole lives; he's out there experiencing life just like his students.
Quote 3
Instead, he would make death his final project, the center point of his days. Since everyone was going to die, he could be of great value, right? He could be research. A human textbook. Study me in my slow and patient demise. Watch what happens to me. Learn with me. (2.41)
Talk about making life a learning experience. In fact, Morrie is going to make death a learning experience. But he's not going to do it just for his own research purposes—nope, he has hopes that he can help others learn about the meaning of death through being "a human textbook."