Waiting for Godot Vladimir Quotes

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 67

Make sure he's alive before you start. No point in exerting yourself if he's dead.
(bending over Lucky) He's breathing.
Then let him have it.
With sudden fury Estragon starts kicking Lucky, hurling abuse at him as he does so. But he hurts his foot and moves away, limping and groaning. Lucky stirs. (2.735-7)

It’s difficult to reconcile this callous comment (about making sure Lucky is alive) with Vladimir’s earlier outrage at Pozzo’s mistreatment of Lucky. You might want to check out our character analysis of Vladimir, where we jump right into this messy business.


Quote 68

Was I sleeping, while the others suffered? Am I sleeping now? Tomorrow, when I wake, or think I do, what shall I say of today? (2.795)

This is an oft-quoted line from Waiting for Godot, since it seems an incredibly human and sympathetic expression. However, in context, you’ll find that such an interpretation is incredibly ironic. Vladimir utters this while ignoring others’ cries of "Help!"

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 69

Our Saviour. Two thieves. One is supposed to have been saved and the other . . . (he searches for the contrary of saved) . . . damned. (1.64)

In the world of Waiting for Godot, freedom from confinement is arbitrary and without logic.