Waiting for Godot Vladimir Quotes


Quote 73

One is not master of one's moods. All day I've felt in great form. (2.16)

By declaring himself at the mercy of his emotions, Vladimir takes another step in the direction of self-imposed servitude.

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 74

Vladimir pulls up the trousers, looks at the leg, lets it go. Estragon almost falls.
The other. (Estragon gives the same leg.) The other, pig! (Estragon gives the other leg.) (2.233)

Vladimir has assimilated notions of master and servant from watching Pozzo and Lucky. Notice which role he takes for himself in this implicit case (calling Estragon a "pig," as Pozzo does to Lucky)—as opposed to the role Vladimir takes later when explicitly playing pretend with Estragon.

Vladimir > Estragon

Quote 75

I'll do Lucky, you do Pozzo. (He imitates Lucky sagging under the weight of his baggage. Estragon looks at him with stupefaction.) Go on. (2.361)

See the contradiction here (compared to the previous quote)?