Meet the Cast
Bill Bryson
Bill Bryson might not ever become the mountain man of his dreams, but he proves himself to be quite the hiker by the end of A Walk in the Woods. More importantly, however, the experience helps him...
Stephen Katz
Katz is an odd bird. On one hand, he can be so annoying that you might roll your eyes every time he appears on the page. On the other, he proves himself to be a pretty solid—not to mention funny�...
Mary Ellen
Sweet Galactus Almighty, Mary Ellen is the worst.At first, Bryson and Katz try to give her the benefit of the doubt. Sure, she might be a bit of a chatter mouth. And yeah, she might be a woefully i...
Mrs. Bryson
Mrs. Bryson doesn't get much page-time in A Walk in the Woods, but we think she deserves a bit of the spotlight. After all, Bill Bryson's ambitious plan to hike the Appalachian Trail would never be...