How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
The hardest part was coming to terms with the constant dispiriting discovery that there is always more hill. (1.3.52)
Yeah—that would drive us insane too. It also doesn't help that the landscape of the Appalachian Trail is unchanging for large stretches, leading Bryson to sometimes feel like he's walking through the same neck of the woods every day.
Quote #5
I was plunged into a restless funk [...] by the realization that Katz was verily in heaven at the prospect of several days idling in a town. (1.6.56)
Although Bryson is dead-set on conquering the Appalachian Trail, Katz is a little bit less picky. He'd love to do it—sure—but he just might prefer to plop himself on the couch and watch an X-Files marathon. Understandably, this disparity drives poor Bryson insane.
Quote #6
Of the four feet of trail map before me, reaching approximately from my knees to the top of my head, we had done the bottom two inches. (1.8.15)
By our count, that means Bryson and Katz have traversed a mere four percent of the Appalachian Trail so far. We're speechless. This is a huge bummer for both men, as the last few weeks of travel have been so grueling that they doubt they can make it much further.