The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Maybe [the magic powers] were in the way your father smiled at you even after you'd messed something up real bad. Maybe they were in the way you understood that your mother wasn't trying to make you the laughing "sock" of the whole school when she'd call you over in front of a bunch of your friends and used spit on her finger to wipe the sleep out of your eyes. Maybe it was magic powers that let you know she was just being Momma. [...] Maybe there were genies in the way your sister would throw a stupid tea party for you and you had fun even though it was kind of embarrassing to sit at a little table and sip water out of plastic teacups. [...] And I'm sure there was an angel in Birmingham when Grandma Sands wrapped her little arms around all of the Weird Watsons and said, "My fambly, my beautiful, beautiful fambly." (15.103)

The Big Aha Moment of the story. Kenny is finally growing out of believing in magic, but he's not ready to give it up completely. He still feels sure there's magic out there somewhere—but now he seems to understand that what he's been calling magic may just be the power of love. In this case, the love of a family.