Way of the Peaceful Warrior Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Socrates would not die—I wouldn't let him. I felt energy surging through my arms, legs, and chest. I would give it all to him. If it meant my life, it was a price I would gladly pay. (7.15)

Okay, whether this is corny or not, this goes to show just how much Dan admires his teacher. He would die for the dude. That's pretty intense.

Quote #5

I looked down at him, realizing the extent of his sacrifice—how he had trained with me, never holding back, even though he knew he had a heart condition—all, just to keep my interest. My eyes filled with tears. (7.42)

Sniff. Dan and Socrates have some serious bromance going on.

Quote #6

I had grown to depend so much on his counsel, on his certainty. Trembling, I walked to the door. Then I turned and looked one last time into those shining eyes. "I'll do all that you've asked, Socrates—except one. I'll never forget you." (7.85)

This passage is yet another indication of how much Dan looks up to Socrates. The youth feels himself dependent upon the teacher's advice and confidence. After graduating, he moves away from Socrates for several years, but feels an emptiness in his life. It is only later that he realizes Socrates is present everywhere.