Way of the Peaceful Warrior Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The only sign of Soc's age or susceptible heart was the slowed pace of his climb. Once again I was reminded of my teacher's vulnerability and his sacrifice. I could never again take my time with him for granted. (8.27)

Always send your teachers thank-you notes!

Quote #8

"Well, Soc, here I am, between past and future, again, floating between heaven and earth. What can I say to you that would be enough? Thank you, my teacher, my inspiration, my friend. I'll miss you. Farewell." (8.116)

Aww, how sweet. Dan may be the protagonist, but it's clear the heart of this book is Socrates.

Quote #9

Then I felt the truth of it. Socrates hadn't come, because he had never left. He was only changed. He was the elm above my head; he was the clouds and the bird and the wind. They would always be my teachers, my friends. (E.34)

Before passing through the gate (see the Symbols, Imagery, Allegory section), Dan feels as if his life is missing something without Socrates in it. After the gate, he realizes Socrates is everywhere, and feels complete. You know, Socrates is everywhere since everything is all one, and all that.