How It All Goes Down
- Eva flings Kevin across the room so hard that he breaks his arm.
- Kevin doesn't cry. Creepy.
- Eva takes Kevin to the hospital, saying he fell.
- The doctor puts a cast on Kevin's arm, and they go home.
- When Franklin comes home, he asks Kevin what happened. Not Eva. Kevin.
- But Kevin lies. He says he fell off the changing table onto a dump truck.
- Speaking of dump, Kevin stops using diapers that very day. Looks like Eva's attack worked.
- But Eva wonders why Kevin didn't tell the truth, and she feels like she owes him for keeping her secret.
- Later, Kevin is back to his trouble-making self.
- Kevin loosens the fork of a neighbor's bike, and the neighbor boy gets hurt when he flies off it.
- As usual, Franklin defends Kevin.
- Eva has a surprising reaction to this confrontation: she wants another kid.
- Eva wants a baby girl, since it's basically Franklin and Kevin vs. Eva all the time. She wants an even team.
- Franklin thinks Eva will simply "freeze out" (17.121) another kid, and he refuses to comply.
- Later, Eva tells Kevin that the neighbor had an accident.
- "He thinks he's so cool with that bike" (17.129), Kevin says, even though Eva never mentioned a bike. Dum dum dummmm.