West Side Story Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from West Side Story.

Quote #4

ANITA: A boy like that wants one thing only,
And when he's done he'll leave you lonely.
He'll murder your love; he murdered mine.
Just wait and see,
Just wait, Maria,
Just wait and see!

We do wait and see, and while Maria's tempted to commit revenge the same way that Anita is, she just doesn't make that leap. This scene's important because it states very clearly that revenge is still a choice, not something that's forced on you.

Quote #5

ACTION: We've gotta show them who's on top!

JOYBOY: The Jets!

ACTION: Let's do it now!

You can go through all the justifications for revenge: the elaborate reasons, the feeling that the world will end if you don't settle the other guys' hash. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to petty power dynamics: you need to show everyone who's boss. We're supposed to leave that logic on the 3rd grade playground. Unfortunately, we don't.

Quote #6

MARIA: If Chino hurts him, if he touches him, I swear to you I'll...

ANITA: You'll do what Tony did to Bernardo?

MARIA: I love Tony.

ANITA: I know. I loved Bernardo.

Anita's warning is more than just selfish. She's saying that this business is getting bloody and that loving Tony may be a luxury Maria can't afford. I mean, what if some crazy fool blows Tony's head off?