West Side Story Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from West Side Story.

Quote #7

ICE: Boy, boy, crazy boy
Get cool, boy!
Got a rocket, in your pocket
Keep coolly cool, boy!
Don't get hot,
'Cause man, you got
Some high times ahead.
Take it slow and, Daddy-o,
You can live it up and die in bed!

Ice must have heard that popular phrase, "revenge is a dish best served cold." Ice fully intends to get even with the Sharks. He just needs to do it without the cops getting involved. And that means all of the Jets have to play it cool. They'll have time for payback once everyone calms down.

Quote #8

ANITA: Bernardo was right. If one of you was lying in the street bleeding, I'd walk by and spit on you.

Anita didn't start out this vindictive. She got pushed into it from all the hate from the Jets. Yes, she makes a choice, but that choice would be a whole lot easier if the Jets weren't trying to assault her.

Quote #9

ANITA: Don't you touch me! I got a message for your American buddy. You tell that murderer that Maria's never going to meet him. You tell him that Chino found out about them and shot her. She's dead.

Taking revenge can be a lot easier that shooting someone dead. It can be just planting the seeds of a bad idea, spreading false information… and then waiting for the hate that's already in the air to do the job for you.