Where Things Come Back Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I mean, what if all of a sudden you up and die and then it's just me here with Mom and Dad and Aunt Julia down the street with her screaming and crying?" (3.90) 

Gabriel is far more affected by Oslo's death than Cullen… and it's not because he was closer to Oslo. His cousin's death has shaken him up because it reminds him that he can lose his other loved ones at any time. What a scary thought. 

Quote #5

When the twelfth bell had rung, Benton felt air rush against his face, his arms outstretched on both sides. He heard the quiet singing of Christmas carols. His lungs breathed in one final cold breath as his body became part of the earth. (8.35) 

We're thinking it's safe to say that Benton Sage is not having a great Christmas Eve when he decides to throw himself off of the church bell tower. Maybe the thought of everyone else's cheer makes him realize how terrible his life is. 

Quote #6

When Cabot Searcy was told that his roommate and friend had killed himself, he immediately walked into the bathroom of his parents' house, splashed warm water on his face, and stared at his reflection as tears began to roll down his cheeks. (10.4) 

Cabot may not have been terribly close to his roommate to begin with, but that doesn't mean that he isn't emotionally affected by his untimely death. How is he going to cope with the fact that he simply doesn't have a roommate anymore?