The Wild Children Alex Quotes


Quote 4

"How long have you been walking?" he asked […]

The boy stared at Alex, regarding his heavy clothing and replying in a deep grunting croak. "Three, four months" (2.49-50)

Wow, that's a really long time. Alex meets a lot of new people while traveling to Moscow, and he comes to learn that his story isn't all that unique. In fact, there are tons of people who have had their lives shattered by the government and are now forced to pick up the pieces, just like him. Unfortunately, that's a lot easier said than done.

"But my father is very strict," Alex said. "I must always do as he says."

"Perhaps," Katriana replied. But do you always think as he thinks?" (1.48-49)

Thinking for yourself is an important part of growing up. While it's good to listen to what your parents say, you shouldn't take their word as gospel. Instead, you should think hard about the things they teach you and develop your own opinions and beliefs.


Quote 6

"Okay," he said. "You are right. We are free. But what can we do with our freedom?" (10.100)

Finally, Alex takes control of the group's destiny. They've done so much for him, sheltering him when no one else would, so the least he can do is give them a chance at a better future.