How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I was sorry that his had happened to the old man. He was the only person who had ever been good to me after my mother died." (5.63)
Peter—like Alex—had his life saved by an unlikely father figure. He was saved from the streets by Jacob the Baker, who sheltered him, protected him, and taught him how to be a good man. Given this, it's only right that Peter pays it forward by doing the same for Alex.
Quote #8
But the younger boys were so respectful of his ability to read that with them Alex felt quite dignified—almost like his father. (7.3)
This is a big deal. Although Alex is still shaken by the loss of his family, he's grown up a lot and managed to become a father figure to other kids who need it. Aw, shucks—look how our main man has grown.
Quote #9
If one could go, why stay with this unsavory band? But he now felt it would be like leaving his family. (10.58)
We have all of the feels right now. Although Alex was scared of these kids at first, he's come to realize that they all truly care about him. What's even moresurprising, though, is that he finds himself caring for them, too.