How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"It's a good day when we have two meals," Kostia said.
From the next fire, a voice growled, "It's a good day when we have one." (6.93-94)
When was the last time you ate only one meal in a day? For you're sake, we're hoping the answer is never. So next time you're complaining about the lunch your mom packed for you, just think back to this passage and chow down.
Quote #8
In the smoke and blankness of the cellar crypt, it was possible to imagine a world in which everyone was warm, everyone was fed. (6.97)
It was only a few months ago that Alex was living in the comfort of his family home without a care in the world. How times change. Now that he's stuck in the cycle of poverty, however, Alex honestly doubts whether he'll ever be able to crawl back out.