How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Above all, the red flag flew, but it did not mean very much to Alex. (6.29)
Alex is referring to the red Soviet flag, by the way. We think this is a good metaphor for the book's depiction of the Soviet government: Although it claims to work on behalf of its citizens, the results prove the complete opposite.
Quote #8
All over Moscow, in other cities, in towns, and on the roads, children slept… and not safely in their beds (6.98)
Aw shucks, we're getting all teary-eyed—is someone cutting onions in here? Anyway, this quote shows us that the homelessness problem isn't limited to Moscow. In fact, you can find kids just like Alex and Peter all across this massive country.
Quote #9
But this was the first time since leaving Kovrov that Alex had been in a homely town, and he felt a deep longing. (9.51)
Alex is a small-town boy at heart, so he feels way more comfortable as soon as they arrive at the countryside. It's easy to see why: The people are a little bit nicer, there are fewer soldiers, and the weather is downright tropical in comparison to frigid Moscow.