Laurel may not be human, but she's still a teenager, and that comes with all the baggage of getting hassled about your appearance, wondering if you look normal or weird, and trying to fit in while figuring out who you are. She simultaneously feels lucky for her good looks (seriously, any teenager would be thrilled to never have had a zit) but she also worries that her above-average looks cause her to stick out.
As she becomes close to both David and Tamani, their handsome appearances are a big factor in drawing her in and keeping her attracted. And, of course, once we meet those loveably murderous trolls, their appearances give some major clues about their identities. So pay attention when you get a description of someone's appearance in Wings, since it just might be important.
Questions About Appearances
- From the physical descriptions of Laurel, would you say her looks are really that atypical for a fifteen-year-old girl? Why or why not?
- Who do you think should be cast as Laurel, Tamani, and David in the movie version of Wings?
- What do the faeries we meet all have in common in terms of their appearances?
- Why is Laurel so self-conscious about her looks?