Witch and Wizard Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Byron "Tattling Weasel" Swain was now an actual weasel. (45.20)

Wisty transforms humans into animals at several points during the book. Perhaps her best work is turning Byron Swain into a weasel—he's much more likeable this way.

Quote #5

Celia grabbed for the knob… and kind of went through the door completely. "I always forget," she muttered. "I can't grab things anymore." (52.8)

Celia's still getting used to this whole "being a ghost" thing. Bummer for her, it seems like there aren't many advantages.

Quote #6

The dog dived paws-first through the portal. […] Suddenly it looked not so much fierce and deranged as totally confused. (53.10)

When Whit and Wisty escape the Hospital, a rabid dog follows them through the portal. Interestingly, it transforms into a docile pet. Does that mean magic doesn't work in the Shadowland? Hmm.