Witch and Wizard Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Looking around, I saw half-destroyed buildings on what once must have been a normal city block. (58.20)

Whit and Wisty have gone through personal transformations, but the world around them has changed, too. And not for the better.

Quote #8

And wouldn't you know it—right then, without any warning, I was sprouting like a charmed beanstalk in a fairy tale. (84.8)

After transforming herself into a mouse, Wisty returns to her human form at an opportune moment. Did the spell just wear off, or what?

Quote #9

Can people really change? I wondered. Maybe they can. (100.11)

Byron Swain used to be a jerk, but his days as a weasel seem to have made him go soft. He actually apologizes to Whit and Wisty. Yay.