The Woman in Black Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Her hands that rested on the pew before her were in a similar state, as though she had been a victim of starvation. (4.40)

Even her hands look ghastly. The woman in black certainly isn't winning any admirers, but she's certainly becoming more and more unsettling to Arthur (and the readers).

Quote #8

In the grayness of the fading light, it had the sheen and pallor not of flesh so much as of bone itself… (5.24)

Here's another good hint that she might not be exactly an earthy being: her flesh looks more like bone than actual skin.

Quote #9

I had not noticed any particular expression on her ravaged face… (5.24)

When Arthur gets a closer look, he finds that the lady in black doesn't look like a poor suffering victim of disease, after all. In fact, she looks—or feels—downright mean. And possibly crazy.