The Woman in Black Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If you mean you think I should give up on the job I've been sent here to do and turn tail and run…" (8.23)

After all that's happened, Arthur is still stubbornly determined to finish the job. We wonder if Stella and Joseph wish he hadn't.

Quote #8

I retrieved the bicycle… the dog ran cheerfully after me down the quiet, moonlit lane, toward the town. My spirits rose. In a strange way, I was looking forward to the morrow. (8.56)

Okay, so this isn't the "Madness" theme, but you know what's sheer craziness? Going straight into the belly of the beast (a.k.a. a haunted house) just to "solve a mystery."

Quote #9

So far I had found only one interesting-looking, slim packet of documents and letters, and I decided I would give myself the possible diversion of reading thing… (9.34)

No true mystery is complete without the appearance of previously overlooked and possibly important documents.