The Woman in Black Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For how long I sat there, in extremes of despair and fearfulness, I do not know. (6.11)

Eel Marsh House sure draws out some extreme emotions in Arthur. Is any job really worth this kind of despair?

Quote #5

I had been as badly frightened as a man could be. I did not think that I would be the first to run from physical risks and dangers, although I had no reason to suppose myself markedly braver than the next person. (7.3)

Arthur's been pretty shaken up by the whole affair at Eel Marsh House and he wants out ASAP. No more Mr. Brave Guy; more like Mr. Get Out of Dodge Guy.

Quote #6

But at my feet, the dog Spider began to whine, a thin, pitiful, frightened moan, and to back away from the door a little and press against my legs. (9.25)

If there's one thing we've learned from horror movies, it's to always trust the dog's instincts. Trust us, you don't want to know what's behind that door.