The Woman in Black Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And yet, there was a strange fascination in looking out over the wild wide marshes, for they had an uncanny beauty, even now, in the gray twilight. There was nothing whatsoever to see for mile after mile and yet I could not take my eyes away. (5.38)

Arthur is drawn to the beauty of the marshland around Eel Marsh House. Sadly, that soon gives way to sheer terror. We're guessing he doesn't visit too many marshes these days.

Quote #8

The first thing I noticed on the following morning was a change in the weather. As soon as I awoke, a little before seven, I felt that the air had a dampness in it and that it was rather cold… I could hardly see the division between land and water, water and sky… (9.30)

Can you picture this? It's like Arthur is trapped in some snow globe, with the land, water, and sky surrounding him in his creepy castle and no way to contact any other humans. Ugh. Gives us chills.

Quote #9

But when I awoke abruptly in the early hours it had increased greatly in force. The house felt like a ship at sea, battered by the gale that came roaring across the open marsh. (10.1)

The wind is declaring war on all man-made things, including the house and, natch, Arthur Kipps. Better hide. There's no winning out against Mother Nature.