The Woman in Black The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It seems to me, Mr. Daily," I said, "that I have seen whatever ghost haunts Eel Marsh and that burial ground." (8.29)

The first step to progress is acceptance. Now that Arthur is no longer in denial about the existence of ghosts he can speak to Mr. Daily openly about the whole crazy affair. But notice how he's still using very rational, measured language to talk about it: "it seems to me."

Quote #5

And then, from somewhere within the depths of the house—but somewhere not very far from the room in which I was—I heard a noise. (9.20)

There's nothing worse than things that go bump in the night when you're trapped on an island in a potentially haunted house. Seriously. Nothing worse. We get chills just thinking about it.

Quote #6

But no one had been there. The room had been empty. Anyone who had just left it must have come out into the corridor and confronted me… (9.61)

Ah, the inexplicable moving furniture when no one else is there. That's a classic ghostly moment, and it creeps us out every time.