Woman on the Edge of Time Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Good! That's my first victory. Tina was scheduled for Monday." (16.139)

Connie is just starting to see her campaign against the doctors as a war… though her victory here seems pretty limited. She makes herself unconscious and causes a slight delay. Is she really in a campaign against evil, or is she just kidding herself?

Quote #8

"We're all at war. You're a prisoner of war. May you free yourself." (17.19)

Bee tells Connie she's at war after the doctors have put the implant in her brain to control her. Again, it's not clear how to take this. Bee seems wise in general (not to mention sexy). But if Connie's just imagining him, then his argument here seems suspect. On the other hand, doctors putting implants in Connie's brain does seem really violent and awful; describing it as war doesn't seem out of line.

Quote #9

Then one of the police had turned and seeing her at the window, raised his gun and shot right at her. (17.57)

Connie's remembering an incident in which a policeman shot at her just because he felt like it—or, more accurately, because she was poor and Hispanic. The future war has its roots in the violence of Connie's present and past.