Wonder Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Wonder? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What has made Auggie's face look the way it does?

He was in a fire.
Plastic Surgery
Mandibular Dysotosis / Treacher Collins Syndrome
Q. If Auggie found a magic lamp, what would he wish for?

A new Xbox
A normal face that no one ever noticed
To be popular
To not have to go to school anymore
Q. What did the doctor who delivered Auggie do when he saw him?

He left the room.
He said, "Everyone born of God overcometh the world."
He fainted.
He suggested plastic surgery.
Q. How does Auggie describe the way he eats?

Like some prehistoric swamp thing.
Like a Wookiee.
Like anybody else, one bite at a time.
Like a messy baby.
Q. What does Auggie not want to be "known for" in middle school?

His face.
Star Wars.
Dungeons and Dragons.
The Plague