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World War Z Resources


It's Official

Max Brooks has a website, an official website, an official website about all things Max Brooks.


Even Brook's zombies have a site, and it comes with a mobile phone app that zombifies your friends and neighbors. Not that Facebook doesn't already do that for you, Ba-zing!

Because It Needed Vampires

An original short story by Max Brooks involving zombies and vampires. (Werewolves and Black Lagoon mermen are coming soon.)

Sorta Prequel-ish

The book that started it all. Not zombies, mind you, but Brooks's particular take on zombies. Anyway, The Zombie Survival Guide is here for all your zombie survival guiding needs.


Studs Terkel's The Good War: An Oral History of World War II provided the inspiration for Max Brook's zombie novel, not to mention the title.

Movie or TV Productions

Zombie Film #4759

Because you know you wanted more zombies on top of all the movies, TV series, novels, comic books, video games, puppet theater plays….

Libert(ies) Taken

This 2013 film with Mr. Brad Pitt takes some liberties with the story—but it's still epic.

Articles and Interviews

Science Fiction Zombies

Sorry to get your hopes up. It's actually a review of World War Z on a science fiction website. Still a good review though.

Zombie Zeview

That doesn't really work, does it? Anyway, this is review on World War Z, and it's here.

A.V. Clubbing

The A.V. Club gives World War Z an A-, keeping Max Brooks's authorial GPA in the 3.2 range.

The Entertainment Be Weekly

Entertainment Weekly—or EW as it's called by those in the know—interviews one Max Brooks after he goes and sells a million copies.

Of All Places

The World Socialist Web Site—no seriously—has an article comparing World War Z to natural disasters and society's ability to deal with each.

More of that Interview Love

NPR discusses with Brooks why his novel should show up on college freshman reading lists, and we feel any reason is a good enough reason.

I Scream; You Scream

Max Brooks discusses zombies, vampires, and the deadliest warriors at the most theme appropriate of websites—Fear.net.


Youtubing It

There are a lot of movies in the background here. And in the foreground, we have Max Brooks being interviewed.

More Like Anything Goes Con

Max Brooks. Comic Con. Answering questions with fans. Four parts. 'Nuff said. Here's the first one!

The Night It All Began

A trailer for George A. Romero's The Night of the Living Dead, the movie that started it all.

Sort of Related

Sure, it doesn't technically have anything to do with World War Z, but it has amazing zombie make-up running amok in New York City. Good stuff.


Here's the first trailer for the 2013 blockbuster smash hit.


Rocking It Old School

The World War Z audiobook does things right. It's presented like an old-timey radio drama with actors such as Mark Hamill, John Turturro, Alan Alda, and more.

Online Sampling

Want a sampling of the World War Z audiobook? You need look no further.

Why Are They Called the Cranberries?

We might not know the answer to that, but they did sing a song called "Zombie." So, there's that.

More History, Less Fiction

Here are some of the interviews that led Studs Terkel to write The Good War: An Oral History of World War II.


Pro Reader

Max Brooks knows his own book so well he can read it upside down.

Intense Yet Authorial

Max Brooks rocks an author pose if we ever saw one.


This cover covers the words that are World War Z.

War is Hell (On Earth)

Artist John Petersen gives us the Battle of Yonkers from a zombie's point of view.

Conceptual Chaos

Io9 called his bit of concept art "a veritable Where's Waldo of splattered zombie carnage." Need you know more?

Run Away!

No, it isn't a deadly rabbit. These people are on the set of World War Z.


Brad Pitt stands on the set of World War Z, looking pretty calm for someone about to enter a zombie apocalypse.