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GED Reasoning through Language Arts 4.5 Language Conventions and Usage. Which choice best completes the sentence?
GED Reasoning through Language Arts 4.6 Language Conventions and Usage. Which choice best completes the sentence?
GED Reasoning through Language Arts 2.3 Language Conventions and Usage. Which form of this word is correct?
GED Reasoning through Language Arts 5.5 Language Conventions and Usage 183 Views
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GED Reasoning through Language Arts 5.5 Language Conventions and Usage. Which choice best completes the sentence?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour Brought to you by collective noun sze Hopefully they
- 00:08
retain their value Unlike these baseball cards Yeah sadly All
- 00:12
right check the falling company Memo right there Having time
- 00:15
to read this thing Uh this by william shakespeare Did
Full Transcript
- 00:19
he write this Wait No writing that good right Sorry
- 00:22
martin We're just keeping it real baby Yeah Okay here
- 00:25
we go Now click down the drop down menu and
- 00:28
choose the option that correctly completes the sentence This one
- 00:31
right here the company blank That branch that donates the
- 00:34
most toys will win three extra paid vacation days for
- 00:37
two thousand fourteen Martin sounds like a really exciting manager
- 00:40
there huh All right Here the potential answers and it's
- 00:43
all about whatever got announced howard stuff like that Okay
- 00:46
well sometimes singular collective noun is take plural Form's like
- 00:51
lots of is in the company decided amongst themselves that
- 00:56
the mountain path was too dangerous amongst themselves That right
- 01:01
Right But otherwise we normally treat these group now is
- 01:03
as singular units as in the company band vacation days
- 01:07
like he band He is singular days Got it so
- 01:11
we've got a conjugating the verb to a singular subject
- 01:15
Well answer C is out and now i've got to
- 01:17
consider tenses meaning when did the company make this announcement
- 01:21
Well they're not making this announcement in the future that
- 01:24
wouldn't make a whole lot of sense The past perfect
- 01:26
tense had also doesn't make grammatical sense here this's something
- 01:30
happening in the present like that test we overslept for
- 01:34
and it's going on right now so we need to
- 01:38
choose a singular verb in the present which makes a
- 01:41
has also announced the correct answer here's to working collectively
- 01:45
to get through this problem but back to our other
- 01:47
problem these baseball cards and seriously if they worth anything
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