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English II EOC Assessment Videos 217 videos
ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading: Natural Science Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
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SAT Reading 4.7 Passage Comparison 171 Views
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SAT Reading Passage Comparison Drill 4, Problem 7
- 00:03
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... Shmooperman!
- 00:21
Which of the following statements is true about the similarities between the two passages?
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Well, we can start by getting rid of (A) and (B), as viewpoint and perspective are two
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of the easiest things to check.
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In this case, neither passage follows the experiences of specific individuals, and neither
Full Transcript
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of the authors has any personal experiences with Ellis Island.
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Hint: the lack of an "I" is a huge tip-off.
- 00:55
(C) is next to go, since we know from the previous question that only Passage 2 focuses
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on the exclusionary aspects of immigration.
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(E) is out because country of origin isn't a big deal in either passage.
- 01:16
Since both authors write factually about Ellis Island from a third-person perspective,
- 01:21
(D) is the correct answer.
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