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U.S. History 1877-Present Videos 173 videos
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U.S. History 1877-Present 1: Mormons and Shakers 84 Views
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Ahh the Second Great Awakening. Today's video will teach us about Mormons, Shakers, and even anxious benches. What's a bench got to be anxious about anyways? Being sat on?
- 00:03
Okay, sure. The Second...
- 00:05
Great Awakening was all about taking authority out of the hands....
- 00:08
of traditional religious leaders and...
- 00:10
plopping it into the hands of individuals.
- 00:12
But still, it's kind of hard to have any movement without a leader.
Full Transcript
- 00:15
- 00:16
So let's go through a quick rundown...
- 00:18
of the stars of Great Awakening, Part Deux.
- 00:21
First up on the roster...
- 00:23
is Charles Finney, but...
- 00:25
some called him Chuck Finn,
- 00:27
and they got smacked.
- 00:28
Well, Charles Finney was a lawyer turned hardcore revivalist.
- 00:31
Despite the fact that he had no religious training,
- 00:33
he ended up being one of the most influential...
- 00:36
preachers in American history.
- 00:38
He didn't give a flip about traditional religious...
- 00:40
establishments. Instead, he learned...
- 00:42
his "new measures" from other...
- 00:44
revivalists that establishment ministers looked down upon.
- 00:47
Like a lot of preachers in this crew,
- 00:49
Finney assaulted his listeners...
- 00:51
with emotion-packed messages...
- 00:53
of sin and forgiveness.
- 00:55
Rich and poor alike came together to hear Finney tell them they were...
- 00:58
all horrible sinners.
- 01:00
He used his fiery camp sermons...
- 01:02
to bring society's fat cats down to Earth.
- 01:05
The skinny cats, you know, he just left it in the sky.
- 01:07
Before every revival,
- 01:09
he plotted with supports to identify...
- 01:11
a backsliding, vulnerable, and...
- 01:13
usually important member of the community.
- 01:16
Then he invited the target to...
- 01:18
sit before the congregation...
- 01:20
on the "anxious bench."
- 01:22
Yeah, that's actually what they called it: the anxious bench.
- 01:24
Once he got his victim into the anxious bench,
- 01:26
Finney skewered the person with...
- 01:28
facts of their misbehavior until the person cracked and...
- 01:31
begged for God's mercy.
- 01:33
We need therapy just thinking about this one.
- 01:35
While the anxious bench does sound horrifying,
- 01:38
because it was,
- 01:39
it actually did have its appeal.
- 01:41
Remember, before revivalists like Finney, people thought...
- 01:44
there wasn't a single thing they could do...
- 01:46
to be saved.
- 01:47
But a sin confessing experience,
- 01:49
that let people get everything off their chest...
- 01:51
and promise salvation,
- 01:53
was actually relief to some.
- 01:54
It was like a sauna followed by a...
- 01:56
polar plunge, but for the soul.
- 01:58
Alright, let's move on to Joseph Smith,
- 02:00
a.k.a Mr. Mormon.
- 02:02
Smith claimed to have discovered a new revelation from...
- 02:05
God in the woods outside his Palmyra home...
- 02:08
in Western New York.
- 02:10
According to Smith, the holy words were etched on...
- 02:12
golden tablets and interpreted...
- 02:14
by Smith through the use of what he called a "peek stone."
- 02:18
Peek stone sounds something like...
- 02:20
what people get in trouble for while in the dressing rooms.
- 02:23
But it's not that.
- 02:24
Smith was so psyched about his...
- 02:26
revelations that he started writing a book about them.
- 02:29
Somebody's come to most of our doors...
- 02:31
with an offer for a free copy of...
- 02:33
what those writing became, and yes,
- 02:35
these day's it's called The Book of Mormon.
- 02:38
Smith preached that all but a very few...
- 02:40
would find salvation, and that life...
- 02:42
was a continual process of self-improvement that actually...
- 02:45
began with preexistence and...
- 02:47
continued after death.
- 02:49
It also taught that God was a still-changing being,
- 02:52
not perfect and static, and that...
- 02:54
Jesus was only most intelligent child.
- 02:57
Yo, shaking the boat there, J.S.
- 03:00
This meant that man and God actually had a...
- 03:02
lot in common.
- 03:03
They weren't separated by Calvin's virtually...
- 03:06
unbridgeable gap,
- 03:08
and they weren't dependent on God's undeserved mercy for salvation.
- 03:11
Instead, man could work on himself,
- 03:14
try to improve, and reasonably aspire...
- 03:17
to be like God.
- 03:18
And yes, Joseph Smith also preached the practice of polygamy,
- 03:22
or having multiple wives.
- 03:23
The practice caused a lot of debate,
- 03:25
and even fierce attacks on Mormons throughout...
- 03:27
the years. Well the Church of Latter Day Saints officially banned...
- 03:30
polygamy in 1890,
- 03:32
but it still goes on in select sects today,
- 03:34
which of course a lot of people still have strong opinions about.
- 03:37
Probably not that big a deal anymore.
- 03:39
Last but not least,
- 03:40
we'll take a lot at the Shakers,
- 03:42
who were known for their dance parties.
- 03:44
Did you think we were joking?
- 03:45
No, really.
- 03:46
Shakers were given the name because of their unique....
- 03:48
bodily response to church services.
- 03:50
So yeah, there's a whole lot of shaking going on.
- 03:53
Well, theologically Shakers were...
- 03:55
similar to Quakers.
- 03:56
They were kind of an off-shoot really.
- 03:58
They believed in pacifism, simplicity,
- 04:00
and the importance of community.
- 04:02
But unlike Quakers, they practiced...
- 04:04
- 04:05
This means that none of the shaken' that was...
- 04:07
going on was going on in the bedroom.
- 04:10
One of the truly remarkable things about Shakers...
- 04:12
was that they believed in radical equality.
- 04:15
They had a ton of female leaders,
- 04:17
and tried hard to keep gender prejudice out...
- 04:19
of their communities.
- 04:20
The church's American founder, Anne Lee was...
- 04:23
even designated the female...
- 04:25
incarnation of God.
- 04:27
Having assumed human form first as a man,
- 04:29
God now came to Earth as a woman.
- 04:31
Shakers also believed that the millennium,
- 04:33
the thousand year period of perfect...
- 04:35
peace on Earth before the end of time,
- 04:37
was immanent.
- 04:38
So Earthly distractions, like marriage....
- 04:40
just seemed like a waste of time.
- 04:42
this might have been part of what attracted some women...
- 04:44
converts who were fed up with the restrictions of...
- 04:46
marriage in those time.
- 04:48
Shakers often lived communally, like...
- 04:50
really community, private property was...
- 04:52
limited to just a few possessions and...
- 04:54
the community's work was directed by elders.
- 04:56
While they tried to make everything they need themselves,
- 04:59
they sometimes did a little trading with...
- 05:01
their non-Shaker neighbors.
- 05:02
In fact, they became famous for their simple,
- 05:05
well-crafted furniture.
- 05:06
So if you see a Shaker chair at an antique...
- 05:08
place, don't think it's gonna give you a massage.
- 05:11
Yeah, made of wood.
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