Youth Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In time Josh had come to think of Fleming as the older brother he always wished he had. And now that man had betrayed him. (30.18)

We're betting Josh looked up to Flamel so much because he doesn't really have much of a father figure in his life. That makes it all the more painful that Flamel has now endangered the twins. A trusted adult becomes something quite different, and Josh is left reeling. Frankly, this poor kid could really use his dad right about now.

Quote #8

"You know, I'm not a kid," Josh said, his voice rising, "so don't talk to me like one." (22.21)

Cool your jets, Josh. In many ways, he is still a kid; he's only fifteen, remember. But in many other ways, Josh is not a kid at all. After all, he and his sister have a ton of power, and that means they'll have to grow up fast. If they haven't already.

Quote #9

"You are mistaken," Bastet hissed. "My niece is Next-Generation, she hasn't got the powers." (32.15)

Apparently, older characters doubt younger characters' abilities even in the supernatural realm. Bastet diminishes her niece's powers just because she is younger, but we soon find out that the Morrigan is more powerful than Bastet can imagine.