Amélie Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the French-to-English translated subtitles of Amélie.

Quote #4

NARRATOR: Time has changed nothing. Amélie still seeks solitude. She amuses herself with silly questions about the world below such as "how many couples are having an orgasm right now?"

Amélie has always had an active imagination, and it grows up a bit with her. At first, she was just having her imaginary friends, but now she's asking silly sexual questions as an adult. Hey, why not?

Quote #5

LANDLADY: The girl from the fifth floor. We don't see much of you.

This is such a small line, but it shows that Amélie probably spends a lot of time in her apartment when she's not a work. She's no social butterfly.

Quote #6

AMÉLIE: I'm nobody's little weasel.

The landlady is lonely because her husband, who called her his "little weasel," is dead. Amélie has never had anyone who felt that way about her, so she can't quite understand these feelings, though she would clearly like to.