Amélie Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the French-to-English translated subtitles of Amélie.

Quote #4

NARRATOR: A neighbor fools her into thinking her camera causes accidents. Having taken pictures all afternoon, Amélie is petrified. She starts at the TV racked by the guilt of causing a huge fire, two derailments, a jumbo jet crash.

The irony here is that while Amélie realizes that simply taking pictures doesn't cause accidents—despite her fears about it—later, by literally taking pictures (those in Nino's photo album), she changes both of their lives forever.

Quote #5

COLLIGNON'S FATHER: Bredoteau. The name you're after. But if I say it, it won't count. I'm senile.

Collignon's mother doesn't believe anything her husband says, because he's "senile." She believes that just because he punches holes in her plants with a hole punch, he lives on an entirely different plane of reality. Turns out he was right, after all, though.

Quote #6

[Amélie imagines her funeral as a global event, like Lady Diana's] "Amélie Poulain, Godmother of Outcasts, Madonna of the Unloved, finally succumbed to exhaustion."

Amélie might be overselling her good deeds a bit here, but it's nice having something to aspire to, we guess. Maybe her imagination is getting a little overactive because she's feeling more and more desperate.