Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 12 Summary

  • Mr. Hook happens to be passing by the store as Tom comes out from his shopping. The two walk back to the mill together in the snow that has been falling since morning.
  • Mr. Hook approves of Tom's Christmas shopping. After that, they walk mostly in silence. Sounds awkward.
  • But as they approach the mill, Mr. Hook surprises Tom by saying he is welcome to stay the night at his house in town anytime the weather is too snowy for Tom to walk home.
  • Tom thanks Mr. Hook, though he says his mother will worry if he does not return home. Mr. Hook says the offer stands for the future.
  • It's a slow afternoon at the mill. Snowstorms can do that.
  • Mr. Ackerman lets Tom off a little early so he can start the walk home. Three miles is even longer in the snow.
  • Tom buttons his presents up in his coat and sets off.