Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 50 Summary

  • Polly Ann and Tom round one of the corners near the Armond property. They're getting close.
  • Tom is still trying to orient himself in the dark, but Polly Ann is a guide extraordinaire.
  • They leave the horse tied to a tree and wade through Cold Brook (and, yes, it is chilly water) to the Breen place.
  • Tom thinks that Bert Breen would most likely have hidden the money under the flooring in the middle, but he starts from the beginning and works his way down so that he won't lose his place.
  • As Tom works, he begins to doubt whether he'll ever find anything, and Polly Ann gets nervous when she hears the owls stop hooting (there might be someone around).
  • Finally, Tom finds the loose boards he's been looking for. Polly Ann finds two heavy chests inside.
  • Jackpot!
  • They carry the chests to the wagon, and Tom tells Polly Ann to lead the horse and wagon with the chests back to the corner of the Armond property while he puts the floorboards back the way they were. If there's any hint of trouble, Polly Ann is supposed to drive the wagon home, and Tom will walk.