Bert Breen's Barn Theme of Perseverance

Would you wake up in the wee hours of darkness to work toward your goals? Squeeze in extra hours after an eleven-hour shift at your day job? Do that for years? Tom is basically an energizer bunny. Sure, he gets tired and discouraged sometimes, but he's boosted by guidance and encouragement from others when he feels that way.

But even those moments of feeling frustrated and overwhelmed are short-lived. Tom never gives up, never shuts down, and paves the way for a bright future for himself and his family. The end result had seemed impossible, but Tom plods along to make it happen. And it really is plodding; his actions on any single day aren't super impressive, with his job's starting pay of 25 cents a day (about $7 to us). But it adds up, and Tom's perseverance eventually pays off.

It's like those TV ads telling you to start putting a dollar a day in a retirement account when you're 20. It may seem like nothing, but if you do that every day for years, it yields impressive results. Get out the piggy bank, Shmoopers.

Questions About Perseverance

  1. How do other characters encourage Tom's perseverance? Do you think he would have given up on his dreams at some point without encouragement from others?
  2. Does having a specific goal in mind make it easier to demonstrate perseverance?
  3. Does Polly Ann display perseverance? If so, do you think the type of perseverance she shows is different from Tom's?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Tom's perseverance is the greatest factor in his success.

Perseverance alone isn't enough; you also need help from other people to be successful.